Your local Professional Drone Services Provider 

Professional drone solutions that simplify your approach to enhancing outcomes for your property, supporting property improvements through precise applications, minimising chemical use, plus consistent targeted kills, higher crop yields and overall farm productivity.

Leveraging precision mapping 

We provide - Precision Mapping | Planning Services | Spray application | Seeding | Fertilizing | Herd Mapping & Identification | Mustering & support | Emergency response identification.

Products We use are premium DJI Agricultural and DJI Enterprise drones, accessories and parts. We use premium Teejet spray nozzles to ensure optimum droplet size to maximise results

Experienced Local people with local knowledge, who actually use them, specialised batching plant to ensure consistency in pesticide mix and control, along with OHS operational benefits. 

Solutions we provide


Precision Mapping | Autonomous Flight Planning | We will use drones equipped with advanced camera’s & sensors to create highly detailed view of mapped sections of your farm. This reconstructed plan will help us identify areas of the field that require special attention. This will allow us to jointly implement and leverage the plan to expand your finite agricultural resource base and accurately and efficiently Spray / seed your country.

Pesticide & Herbicide Spraying | We reconstruct the farm sections to produce automated precision flight paths for the DJI Agras drones to apply your selected pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to your crops. Our drones will be equipped with Teejet premium spray nozzles that can be adjusted to apply precisely the right flow & application rates of chemicals & liquid to each area of the field as planned in your consultation or as advised by your agronomist.



Seeding | Fertiliser Application | Again we will fly using automated precision flight paths drones to plant crops with right coverage & with efficiency. Our drones will be equipped with seed & fertilizer dispensers that can release at precise locations, ensuring even spacing and delivering optimal coverage.


Our mission is to give our clients the best service possible that helps ensure the optimal outcome for your property by using most precise, reliable and efficient unmanned aircraft, backed with the very best communication & service, to our customers in the Gloucester and Hunter Region.


All our drones are CASA registered for commercial purposes.

Our Drone Pilots hold current CASA RPA Operators Accreditation. 

We have appropriate Public Liability insurance for air and ground incidents

About us

We are a small family owned and run Company, originally from the district, starting has enabled us to Join in support of our son to live and work locally. Jack is well known in the district from his time looking after you and your property requirements (previously working @CRT.)

Our business is based on old school morals and values, we understand some of the farm life and the relentless battles with mother nature and the cost that incurs, and we are here to work with you and support your endeavors.

Our drone services company is based in Gloucester but will travel to most places within reason, so long as we can delivery value for both our requirements.